Turn a Raspberry Pi into a modern cloud computing solution for your home.
Sure, that sounds cool, but what does it actually mean?
With a single Raspberry Pi 4, you can:
- Replicate personal files between your various devices using Nextcloud storage.
- Create a media library and make it availble to your home entertainment system through Samba shares.
- Monitor your home with Home Assistant and create custom integrations with Node-Red, and Mosquitto.
- Create your own DNS infrastructure and refer to your devices by name instead of IP addresses.
- Secure your services and network traffic with SSL certificates and keep The Man out of your business.
- Centralize your account and passwords for any applications that support OpenLDAP.
- Stash all your nerdy code repositories locally using a Gitea git server.
Spend your time using the system, not maintaining it.
- Docker containers let you deploy applications quickly.
- Ansible lets you automate the mundane tasks of installation and system configuration.
Sound like your kind of thing? Get yourself a 4Gig Raspberry Pi 4 and let’s go!
Table of Contents
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The cloud image is part of the Material Design icon set and is used under the terms of the Apache Open License, version 2.0.