Module thimble
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from asyncio import get_event_loop, start_server
from os import stat
from re import match, search
class Thimble:
A tiny web framework in the spirit of Flask, scaled down to run on microcontrollers
def __init__(self, default_content_type='application/octet-stream', req_buffer_size=1024):
self.routes = {} # Dictionary to map method and URL path combinations to functions
self.default_content_type = default_content_type
self.req_buffer_size = req_buffer_size
self.static_folder = '/static'
self.directory_index = 'index.html'
self.error_text = {
400: "400: Bad Request",
404: "404: Not Found",
500: "500: Internal Server Error"
self.media_types = {
'css': 'text/css',
'html': 'text/html',
'ico': 'image/',
'jpg': 'image/jpeg',
'js': 'text/javascript',
'json': 'application/json',
'otf': 'font/otf',
'png': 'image/png',
'svg': 'image/svg+xml',
'ttf': 'font/ttf',
'txt': 'text/plain',
'woff': 'font/woff',
'woff2': 'font/woff2'
server_name = 'Thimble (MicroPython)' # Used in 'Server' response header.
def parse_query_string(query_string):
Split a URL's query string into individual key/value pairs
(ex: 'pet=Panda&color=Red' becomes { "pet": "panda", "color": "red"}
query_string (string): the query string portion of a URL (without the leading ? delimiter)
dictionary: key/value pairs
query = {}
query_params = query_string.split('&')
for param in query_params:
if '=' not in param: # A key with no value, like: 'red' instead of 'color=red'
key = param
query[key] = ''
key, value = param.split('=')
query[key] = value
return query
async def parse_http_request(req_buffer):
Given a raw HTTP request, return a dictionary with individual elements broken out
req_buffer (bytes): the unprocessed HTTP request sent from the client
exception: when the request buffer is empty
dictionary: key/value pairs including, but not limited to method, path, query, headers, body, etc.
or None type if parsing fails
assert (req_buffer != b''), 'Empty request buffer.'
req = {}
req_buffer_string = req_buffer.decode('utf8')
req_buffer_lines = req_buffer_string.split('\r\n')
del req_buffer_string # free up for garbage collection
req['method'], target, req['http_version'] = req_buffer_lines[0].split(
' ', 2) # Example: GET /route/path HTTP/1.1
if '?' not in target:
req['path'] = target
else: # target can have a query component, so /route/path could be something like /route/path?state=on&timeout=30
req['path'], query_string = target.split('?', 1)
req['query'] = Thimble.parse_query_string(query_string)
req['headers'] = {}
for i in range(1, len(req_buffer_lines) - 1):
# Blank line signifies the end of headers.
if req_buffer_lines[i] == '':
name, value = req_buffer_lines[i].split(':', 1)
req['headers'][name.strip().lower()] = value.strip()
# Last line is the body (or blank if no body.)
req['body'] = req_buffer_lines[len(req_buffer_lines) - 1]
return req
async def http_status_line(status_code):
Given an HTTP status code (e.g. 200, 404, etc.), format the server response status line
status_code (int): the HTTP status code as defined by RFC 7231 Respone Status Codes (ex. 200)
string: HTTP status line with protocol version, numeric status code, and corresponding status text
http_status_message = {
200: "200 OK",
302: "302 Found",
400: "400 Bad Request",
404: "404 Not Found",
500: "500 Internal Server Error"
if status_code is None or status_code not in http_status_message:
status_code = 500
return f'HTTP/1.1 {http_status_message[status_code]}\r\n'
async def http_headers(content_length=0, content_type='', content_encoding=''):
Generate appropriate HTTP response headers based on content properties
content_length (int): length of body, used for Content-Length header
content_type (string): media-type of body, used for Content-Type header
content_encoding(string): compression type, used for Content-Encoding header
string: HTTP headers separated by \r\n
headers = 'Connection: close\r\n'
if content_encoding != '':
headers += f'Content-Encoding: {content_encoding}\r\n'
headers += f'Content-Length: {content_length}\r\n'
if content_type != '':
headers += f'Content-Type: {content_type}\r\n'
headers += f'Server: {Thimble.server_name}\r\n'
headers += '\r\n' # blank line signifies end of headers
return headers
# MicroPython does not have a built-in types module, so to avoid external dependencies this method lets
# Thimble determine if route functions should be awaited or not by comparing their type to known async
# and regular functions that are already part of the code.
def is_async(func):
Determine if a function is async not by comparing its type to known async and regular functions.
func (object): a reference to the function being examined
boolean: True if the function was defined as asynchronous, False if not, and None if unknown
if type(func) == type(Thimble.on_connect): # noqa: E721
return True # It's an async function
elif type(func) == type( # noqa: E721
return False # It's a regular function
return None # It's not a function
async def send_error(self, error_number, writer):
Given a stream and an HTTP error number, send a friendly text error message.
error_number (integer): HTTP status code
writer (object): the asyncio Stream object to which the file should be sent
writer.write(await Thimble.http_status_line(error_number))
error_text = f'{self.error_text[error_number]}\r\n'
writer.write(await Thimble.http_headers(content_type='text/plain', content_length=len(error_text)))
await writer.drain()
async def send_function_results(self, func, req, url_wildcard, writer):
Execute the given function with the HTTP reqest parameters as an argument and send the results as an HTTP reply
func (object): reference to the function to be executed or a tuple of function and URL wildcard
req (dictionary): HTTP request parameters
url_wildcard (various types): regex-matched portion of the url_path (or None for non-regex routes)
writer (object): the asyncio Stream object to which the results should be sent
if Thimble.is_async(func) is True: # await the async function
if url_wildcard is not None:
func_result = await func(req, url_wildcard)
func_result = await func(req)
else: # no awaiting required for non-async
if url_wildcard is not None:
func_result = func(req, url_wildcard)
func_result = func(req)
except Exception as ex:
await self.send_error(500, writer)
print(f'Function call failed: {ex}')
if isinstance(func_result, tuple) and len(func_result) == 3:
body, status_code, content_type = func_result
elif isinstance(func_result, tuple) and len(func_result) == 2:
body, status_code = func_result
content_type = 'text/plain'
body = func_result
status_code = 200
content_type = 'text/plain'
if not isinstance(body, str):
body = str(body)
writer.write(await Thimble.http_status_line(status_code))
writer.write(await Thimble.http_headers(content_length=len(body), content_type=content_type))
await writer.drain()
await writer.drain()
async def file_size(file_path):
Given a path to a file, return the file's size or None if there's an exception when checking.
file_path (string): a fully-qualified path to the location of the file
file size in bytes or None if there was a problem obtaining the size (e.g. file does not exist)
size = stat(file_path)[6]
except OSError:
size = None
return size
async def file_type(self, file_path):
Return a standard media type / subtype based on file extension
file_path (string): file name or full path
string: media type as registered with the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)
file_ext = file_path.split('.')[-1]
if file_ext not in self.media_types:
return self.default_content_type
return self.media_types[file_ext]
def read_file_chunk(file):
Given a file handle, read the file in small chunks to avoid large buffer requirements.
file (object): the file handle returned by open()
bytes: a chunk of the file until the file ends, then nothing
while True:
chunk = # small chunks to avoid out of memory errors
if chunk:
yield chunk
else: # empty chunk means end of the file
async def send_file_contents(self, file_path, req, writer):
Given a file path and an output stream, send HTTP status, headers, and file contents as body.
If client accepts gzip encoding, and a file of the same name with a .gzip extension appended
exists, the gzipped version will be sent. This is not so much for speeding up transfer as it
for conserving limited flash filesystem space.
file_path (string): fully-qualified path to file
writer (object): the asyncio Stream object to which the file should be sent
# file_size is also used as an indicator of the file's existence
file_gzip_size = await Thimble.file_size(file_path + '.gzip')
file_size = await Thimble.file_size(file_path)
file_type = await self.file_type(file_path)
if file_gzip_size is not None and 'accept-encoding' in req['headers'] and 'gzip' in req['headers']['accept-encoding'].lower():
writer.write(await Thimble.http_status_line(200))
writer.write(await Thimble.http_headers(content_length=file_gzip_size, content_type=file_type, content_encoding='gzip'))
with open(file_path + '.gzip', 'rb') as file:
for chunk in Thimble.read_file_chunk(file):
await writer.drain() # drain immediately after write to avoid memory allocation errors
elif file_size is not None: # a non-compressed file was found
writer.write(await Thimble.http_status_line(200))
writer.write(await Thimble.http_headers(content_length=file_size, content_type=file_type))
with open(file_path, 'rb') as file:
for chunk in Thimble.read_file_chunk(file):
await writer.drain()
else: # no file was found
await self.send_error(404, writer)
print(f'Error reading file: {file_path}')
def route(self, url_path, methods=['GET']):
Given a URL path and list of zero or more HTTP methods, add the decorated function to the route table.
url_path (string): path portion of a URL (ex. '/path/to/thing') that will trigger a call to the function
methods (list): a list of any HTTP methods (eg. ['GET', 'PUT']) that are used to trigger the call
object: wrapper function
regex_macros = {
'<digit>': '([0-9])',
'<float>': '([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)',
'<int>': '([0-9]+)',
'<string>': '(.*)'
regex_match = search('(<.*>)', url_path)
if regex_match:
url_path = url_path.replace(
1), regex_macros[])
def add_route(func):
for method in methods:
# Methods are uppercase (see RFC 9110)
self.routes[method.upper() + url_path] = func
return add_route
def resolve_route(self, route_pattern):
Given a route pattern (METHOD + url_path), look up the corresponding function.
route_pattern (string): An uppercase HTTP method concatenated with a URL path wich may contain regex (ex: GET/gpio/([0-9+])$)
object: reference to function (for non-regex URLs) or tuple with function and regex capture (for regex URLs)
result = None
if route_pattern in self.routes: # pattern is a fixed string, like: 'GET/gpio/2'
result = self.routes[route_pattern]
else: # pattern may contain regex, like 'GET/gpio/([0-9]+)'
for key in self.routes.keys():
regex_match = match(key, route_pattern)
if regex_match:
func = self.routes[key]
wildcard_value =
if self.debug:
print(f'Wildcard match: {wildcard_value}')
result = func, wildcard_value
return result
async def on_connect(self, reader, writer):
Connection handler for new client requests.
reader (stream): input received from the client
writer (stream): output to be sent to the client
client_ip = writer.get_extra_info('peername')[0]
if self.debug:
print(f'Connection from client: {client_ip}')
req_buffer = await
req = await Thimble.parse_http_request(req_buffer)
if self.debug:
print(f'Request: {req}')
except Exception as ex:
await self.send_error(400, writer)
print(f'Unable to parse request: {ex}')
route_value = self.resolve_route(req['method'] + req['path'])
if isinstance(route_value, tuple): # a function and URL wildcard value were returned
await self.send_function_results(route_value[0], req, route_value[1], writer)
elif route_value is not None: # just a function was returned
await self.send_function_results(route_value, req, None, writer)
else: # nothing returned, try delivering static content instead
file_path = self.static_folder + req['path']
if file_path.endswith('/'): # '/path/to/' becomes '/path/to/index.html'
file_path = file_path + self.directory_index
await self.send_file_contents(file_path, req, writer)
await writer.drain()
await writer.wait_closed()
await reader.wait_closed()
if self.debug:
print(f'Connection closed for {client_ip}')
def run(self, host='', port=80, loop=None, debug=False):
Start an asynchronous listener for HTTP requests.
host (string): the IP address of the interface on which to listen
port (int): the TCP port on which to listen
loop (object): the asyncio loop that the server should insert itself into
debug (boolean): a flag to indicate verbose logging is desired
object: the same loop object given as a parameter or a new one if no existing loop was passed
self.debug = debug
print(f'Listening on {host}:{port}')
if loop is None:
loop = get_event_loop()
server = start_server(self.on_connect, host, port, 5)
server = start_server(self.on_connect, host, port, 5)
return loop
class Thimble (default_content_type='application/octet-stream', req_buffer_size=1024)
A tiny web framework in the spirit of Flask, scaled down to run on microcontrollers
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class Thimble: """ A tiny web framework in the spirit of Flask, scaled down to run on microcontrollers """ def __init__(self, default_content_type='application/octet-stream', req_buffer_size=1024): self.routes = {} # Dictionary to map method and URL path combinations to functions self.default_content_type = default_content_type self.req_buffer_size = req_buffer_size self.static_folder = '/static' self.directory_index = 'index.html' self.error_text = { 400: "400: Bad Request", 404: "404: Not Found", 500: "500: Internal Server Error" } self.media_types = { 'css': 'text/css', 'html': 'text/html', 'ico': 'image/', 'jpg': 'image/jpeg', 'js': 'text/javascript', 'json': 'application/json', 'otf': 'font/otf', 'png': 'image/png', 'svg': 'image/svg+xml', 'ttf': 'font/ttf', 'txt': 'text/plain', 'woff': 'font/woff', 'woff2': 'font/woff2' } server_name = 'Thimble (MicroPython)' # Used in 'Server' response header. @staticmethod def parse_query_string(query_string): """ Split a URL's query string into individual key/value pairs (ex: 'pet=Panda&color=Red' becomes { "pet": "panda", "color": "red"} Args: query_string (string): the query string portion of a URL (without the leading ? delimiter) Returns: dictionary: key/value pairs """ query = {} query_params = query_string.split('&') for param in query_params: if '=' not in param: # A key with no value, like: 'red' instead of 'color=red' key = param query[key] = '' else: key, value = param.split('=') query[key] = value return query @staticmethod async def parse_http_request(req_buffer): """ Given a raw HTTP request, return a dictionary with individual elements broken out Args: req_buffer (bytes): the unprocessed HTTP request sent from the client Raises: exception: when the request buffer is empty Returns: dictionary: key/value pairs including, but not limited to method, path, query, headers, body, etc. or None type if parsing fails """ assert (req_buffer != b''), 'Empty request buffer.' req = {} req_buffer_string = req_buffer.decode('utf8') req_buffer_lines = req_buffer_string.split('\r\n') del req_buffer_string # free up for garbage collection req['method'], target, req['http_version'] = req_buffer_lines[0].split( ' ', 2) # Example: GET /route/path HTTP/1.1 if '?' not in target: req['path'] = target else: # target can have a query component, so /route/path could be something like /route/path?state=on&timeout=30 req['path'], query_string = target.split('?', 1) req['query'] = Thimble.parse_query_string(query_string) req['headers'] = {} for i in range(1, len(req_buffer_lines) - 1): # Blank line signifies the end of headers. if req_buffer_lines[i] == '': break else: name, value = req_buffer_lines[i].split(':', 1) req['headers'][name.strip().lower()] = value.strip() # Last line is the body (or blank if no body.) req['body'] = req_buffer_lines[len(req_buffer_lines) - 1] return req @staticmethod async def http_status_line(status_code): """ Given an HTTP status code (e.g. 200, 404, etc.), format the server response status line Args: status_code (int): the HTTP status code as defined by RFC 7231 Respone Status Codes (ex. 200) Returns: string: HTTP status line with protocol version, numeric status code, and corresponding status text """ http_status_message = { 200: "200 OK", 302: "302 Found", 400: "400 Bad Request", 404: "404 Not Found", 500: "500 Internal Server Error" } if status_code is None or status_code not in http_status_message: status_code = 500 return f'HTTP/1.1 {http_status_message[status_code]}\r\n' @staticmethod async def http_headers(content_length=0, content_type='', content_encoding=''): """ Generate appropriate HTTP response headers based on content properties Args: content_length (int): length of body, used for Content-Length header content_type (string): media-type of body, used for Content-Type header content_encoding(string): compression type, used for Content-Encoding header Returns: string: HTTP headers separated by \r\n """ headers = 'Connection: close\r\n' if content_encoding != '': headers += f'Content-Encoding: {content_encoding}\r\n' headers += f'Content-Length: {content_length}\r\n' if content_type != '': headers += f'Content-Type: {content_type}\r\n' headers += f'Server: {Thimble.server_name}\r\n' headers += '\r\n' # blank line signifies end of headers return headers # MicroPython does not have a built-in types module, so to avoid external dependencies this method lets # Thimble determine if route functions should be awaited or not by comparing their type to known async # and regular functions that are already part of the code. @staticmethod def is_async(func): """ Determine if a function is async not by comparing its type to known async and regular functions. Args: func (object): a reference to the function being examined Returns: boolean: True if the function was defined as asynchronous, False if not, and None if unknown """ if type(func) == type(Thimble.on_connect): # noqa: E721 return True # It's an async function elif type(func) == type( # noqa: E721 return False # It's a regular function else: return None # It's not a function async def send_error(self, error_number, writer): """ Given a stream and an HTTP error number, send a friendly text error message. Args: error_number (integer): HTTP status code writer (object): the asyncio Stream object to which the file should be sent Returns: nothing """ writer.write(await Thimble.http_status_line(error_number)) error_text = f'{self.error_text[error_number]}\r\n' writer.write(await Thimble.http_headers(content_type='text/plain', content_length=len(error_text))) writer.write(error_text) await writer.drain() async def send_function_results(self, func, req, url_wildcard, writer): """ Execute the given function with the HTTP reqest parameters as an argument and send the results as an HTTP reply Args: func (object): reference to the function to be executed or a tuple of function and URL wildcard req (dictionary): HTTP request parameters url_wildcard (various types): regex-matched portion of the url_path (or None for non-regex routes) writer (object): the asyncio Stream object to which the results should be sent Returns: nothing """ try: if Thimble.is_async(func) is True: # await the async function if url_wildcard is not None: func_result = await func(req, url_wildcard) else: func_result = await func(req) else: # no awaiting required for non-async if url_wildcard is not None: func_result = func(req, url_wildcard) else: func_result = func(req) except Exception as ex: await self.send_error(500, writer) print(f'Function call failed: {ex}') else: if isinstance(func_result, tuple) and len(func_result) == 3: body, status_code, content_type = func_result elif isinstance(func_result, tuple) and len(func_result) == 2: body, status_code = func_result content_type = 'text/plain' else: body = func_result status_code = 200 content_type = 'text/plain' if not isinstance(body, str): body = str(body) writer.write(await Thimble.http_status_line(status_code)) writer.write(await Thimble.http_headers(content_length=len(body), content_type=content_type)) await writer.drain() writer.write(body) await writer.drain() @staticmethod async def file_size(file_path): """ Given a path to a file, return the file's size or None if there's an exception when checking. Args: file_path (string): a fully-qualified path to the location of the file Returns: file size in bytes or None if there was a problem obtaining the size (e.g. file does not exist) """ try: size = stat(file_path)[6] except OSError: size = None return size async def file_type(self, file_path): """ Return a standard media type / subtype based on file extension Args: file_path (string): file name or full path Returns: string: media type as registered with the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) """ file_ext = file_path.split('.')[-1] if file_ext not in self.media_types: return self.default_content_type else: return self.media_types[file_ext] @staticmethod def read_file_chunk(file): """ Given a file handle, read the file in small chunks to avoid large buffer requirements. Args: file (object): the file handle returned by open() Returns: bytes: a chunk of the file until the file ends, then nothing """ while True: chunk = # small chunks to avoid out of memory errors if chunk: yield chunk else: # empty chunk means end of the file return async def send_file_contents(self, file_path, req, writer): """ Given a file path and an output stream, send HTTP status, headers, and file contents as body. If client accepts gzip encoding, and a file of the same name with a .gzip extension appended exists, the gzipped version will be sent. This is not so much for speeding up transfer as it for conserving limited flash filesystem space. Args: file_path (string): fully-qualified path to file writer (object): the asyncio Stream object to which the file should be sent Returns: nothing """ # file_size is also used as an indicator of the file's existence file_gzip_size = await Thimble.file_size(file_path + '.gzip') file_size = await Thimble.file_size(file_path) file_type = await self.file_type(file_path) if file_gzip_size is not None and 'accept-encoding' in req['headers'] and 'gzip' in req['headers']['accept-encoding'].lower(): writer.write(await Thimble.http_status_line(200)) writer.write(await Thimble.http_headers(content_length=file_gzip_size, content_type=file_type, content_encoding='gzip')) with open(file_path + '.gzip', 'rb') as file: for chunk in Thimble.read_file_chunk(file): writer.write(chunk) await writer.drain() # drain immediately after write to avoid memory allocation errors elif file_size is not None: # a non-compressed file was found writer.write(await Thimble.http_status_line(200)) writer.write(await Thimble.http_headers(content_length=file_size, content_type=file_type)) with open(file_path, 'rb') as file: for chunk in Thimble.read_file_chunk(file): writer.write(chunk) await writer.drain() else: # no file was found await self.send_error(404, writer) print(f'Error reading file: {file_path}') def route(self, url_path, methods=['GET']): """ Given a URL path and list of zero or more HTTP methods, add the decorated function to the route table. Args: url_path (string): path portion of a URL (ex. '/path/to/thing') that will trigger a call to the function methods (list): a list of any HTTP methods (eg. ['GET', 'PUT']) that are used to trigger the call Returns: object: wrapper function """ regex_macros = { '<digit>': '([0-9])', '<float>': '([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)', '<int>': '([0-9]+)', '<string>': '(.*)' } regex_match = search('(<.*>)', url_path) if regex_match: url_path = url_path.replace( 1), regex_macros[]) def add_route(func): for method in methods: # Methods are uppercase (see RFC 9110) self.routes[method.upper() + url_path] = func return add_route def resolve_route(self, route_pattern): """ Given a route pattern (METHOD + url_path), look up the corresponding function. Args: route_pattern (string): An uppercase HTTP method concatenated with a URL path wich may contain regex (ex: GET/gpio/([0-9+])$) Returns: object: reference to function (for non-regex URLs) or tuple with function and regex capture (for regex URLs) """ result = None if route_pattern in self.routes: # pattern is a fixed string, like: 'GET/gpio/2' result = self.routes[route_pattern] else: # pattern may contain regex, like 'GET/gpio/([0-9]+)' for key in self.routes.keys(): regex_match = match(key, route_pattern) if regex_match: func = self.routes[key] wildcard_value = if self.debug: print(f'Wildcard match: {wildcard_value}') result = func, wildcard_value return result async def on_connect(self, reader, writer): """ Connection handler for new client requests. Args: reader (stream): input received from the client writer (stream): output to be sent to the client Returns: nothing """ client_ip = writer.get_extra_info('peername')[0] if self.debug: print(f'Connection from client: {client_ip}') try: req_buffer = await req = await Thimble.parse_http_request(req_buffer) if self.debug: print(f'Request: {req}') except Exception as ex: await self.send_error(400, writer) print(f'Unable to parse request: {ex}') else: route_value = self.resolve_route(req['method'] + req['path']) if isinstance(route_value, tuple): # a function and URL wildcard value were returned await self.send_function_results(route_value[0], req, route_value[1], writer) elif route_value is not None: # just a function was returned await self.send_function_results(route_value, req, None, writer) else: # nothing returned, try delivering static content instead file_path = self.static_folder + req['path'] if file_path.endswith('/'): # '/path/to/' becomes '/path/to/index.html' file_path = file_path + self.directory_index await self.send_file_contents(file_path, req, writer) await writer.drain() writer.close() await writer.wait_closed() reader.close() await reader.wait_closed() if self.debug: print(f'Connection closed for {client_ip}') def run(self, host='', port=80, loop=None, debug=False): """ Start an asynchronous listener for HTTP requests. Args: host (string): the IP address of the interface on which to listen port (int): the TCP port on which to listen loop (object): the asyncio loop that the server should insert itself into debug (boolean): a flag to indicate verbose logging is desired Returns: object: the same loop object given as a parameter or a new one if no existing loop was passed """ self.debug = debug print(f'Listening on {host}:{port}') if loop is None: loop = get_event_loop() server = start_server(self.on_connect, host, port, 5) loop.create_task(server) loop.run_forever() else: server = start_server(self.on_connect, host, port, 5) loop.create_task(server) return loop
Class variables
var server_name
Static methods
async def file_size(file_path)
Given a path to a file, return the file's size or None if there's an exception when checking.
- a fully-qualified path to the location of the file
file size in bytes or None if there was a problem obtaining the size (e.g. file does not exist)
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@staticmethod async def file_size(file_path): """ Given a path to a file, return the file's size or None if there's an exception when checking. Args: file_path (string): a fully-qualified path to the location of the file Returns: file size in bytes or None if there was a problem obtaining the size (e.g. file does not exist) """ try: size = stat(file_path)[6] except OSError: size = None return size
async def http_headers(content_length=0, content_type='', content_encoding='')
Generate appropriate HTTP response headers based on content properties
- length of body, used for Content-Length header
- media-type of body, used for Content-Type header
content_encoding(string): compression type, used for Content-Encoding header
- HTTP headers separated by
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@staticmethod async def http_headers(content_length=0, content_type='', content_encoding=''): """ Generate appropriate HTTP response headers based on content properties Args: content_length (int): length of body, used for Content-Length header content_type (string): media-type of body, used for Content-Type header content_encoding(string): compression type, used for Content-Encoding header Returns: string: HTTP headers separated by \r\n """ headers = 'Connection: close\r\n' if content_encoding != '': headers += f'Content-Encoding: {content_encoding}\r\n' headers += f'Content-Length: {content_length}\r\n' if content_type != '': headers += f'Content-Type: {content_type}\r\n' headers += f'Server: {Thimble.server_name}\r\n' headers += '\r\n' # blank line signifies end of headers return headers
async def http_status_line(status_code)
Given an HTTP status code (e.g. 200, 404, etc.), format the server response status line
- the HTTP status code as defined by RFC 7231 Respone Status Codes (ex. 200)
- HTTP status line with protocol version, numeric status code, and corresponding status text
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@staticmethod async def http_status_line(status_code): """ Given an HTTP status code (e.g. 200, 404, etc.), format the server response status line Args: status_code (int): the HTTP status code as defined by RFC 7231 Respone Status Codes (ex. 200) Returns: string: HTTP status line with protocol version, numeric status code, and corresponding status text """ http_status_message = { 200: "200 OK", 302: "302 Found", 400: "400 Bad Request", 404: "404 Not Found", 500: "500 Internal Server Error" } if status_code is None or status_code not in http_status_message: status_code = 500 return f'HTTP/1.1 {http_status_message[status_code]}\r\n'
def is_async(func)
Determine if a function is async not by comparing its type to known async and regular functions.
- a reference to the function being examined
- True if the function was defined as asynchronous, False if not, and None if unknown
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@staticmethod def is_async(func): """ Determine if a function is async not by comparing its type to known async and regular functions. Args: func (object): a reference to the function being examined Returns: boolean: True if the function was defined as asynchronous, False if not, and None if unknown """ if type(func) == type(Thimble.on_connect): # noqa: E721 return True # It's an async function elif type(func) == type( # noqa: E721 return False # It's a regular function else: return None # It's not a function
async def parse_http_request(req_buffer)
Given a raw HTTP request, return a dictionary with individual elements broken out
- the unprocessed HTTP request sent from the client
- when the request buffer is empty
- key/value pairs including, but not limited to method, path, query, headers, body, etc. or None type if parsing fails
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@staticmethod async def parse_http_request(req_buffer): """ Given a raw HTTP request, return a dictionary with individual elements broken out Args: req_buffer (bytes): the unprocessed HTTP request sent from the client Raises: exception: when the request buffer is empty Returns: dictionary: key/value pairs including, but not limited to method, path, query, headers, body, etc. or None type if parsing fails """ assert (req_buffer != b''), 'Empty request buffer.' req = {} req_buffer_string = req_buffer.decode('utf8') req_buffer_lines = req_buffer_string.split('\r\n') del req_buffer_string # free up for garbage collection req['method'], target, req['http_version'] = req_buffer_lines[0].split( ' ', 2) # Example: GET /route/path HTTP/1.1 if '?' not in target: req['path'] = target else: # target can have a query component, so /route/path could be something like /route/path?state=on&timeout=30 req['path'], query_string = target.split('?', 1) req['query'] = Thimble.parse_query_string(query_string) req['headers'] = {} for i in range(1, len(req_buffer_lines) - 1): # Blank line signifies the end of headers. if req_buffer_lines[i] == '': break else: name, value = req_buffer_lines[i].split(':', 1) req['headers'][name.strip().lower()] = value.strip() # Last line is the body (or blank if no body.) req['body'] = req_buffer_lines[len(req_buffer_lines) - 1] return req
def parse_query_string(query_string)
Split a URL's query string into individual key/value pairs (ex: 'pet=Panda&color=Red' becomes { "pet": "panda", "color": "red"}
- the query string portion of a URL (without the leading ? delimiter)
- key/value pairs
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@staticmethod def parse_query_string(query_string): """ Split a URL's query string into individual key/value pairs (ex: 'pet=Panda&color=Red' becomes { "pet": "panda", "color": "red"} Args: query_string (string): the query string portion of a URL (without the leading ? delimiter) Returns: dictionary: key/value pairs """ query = {} query_params = query_string.split('&') for param in query_params: if '=' not in param: # A key with no value, like: 'red' instead of 'color=red' key = param query[key] = '' else: key, value = param.split('=') query[key] = value return query
def read_file_chunk(file)
Given a file handle, read the file in small chunks to avoid large buffer requirements.
- the file handle returned by open()
- a chunk of the file until the file ends, then nothing
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@staticmethod def read_file_chunk(file): """ Given a file handle, read the file in small chunks to avoid large buffer requirements. Args: file (object): the file handle returned by open() Returns: bytes: a chunk of the file until the file ends, then nothing """ while True: chunk = # small chunks to avoid out of memory errors if chunk: yield chunk else: # empty chunk means end of the file return
async def file_type(self, file_path)
Return a standard media type / subtype based on file extension
- file name or full path
- media type as registered with the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)
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async def file_type(self, file_path): """ Return a standard media type / subtype based on file extension Args: file_path (string): file name or full path Returns: string: media type as registered with the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) """ file_ext = file_path.split('.')[-1] if file_ext not in self.media_types: return self.default_content_type else: return self.media_types[file_ext]
async def on_connect(self, reader, writer)
Connection handler for new client requests.
- input received from the client
- output to be sent to the client
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async def on_connect(self, reader, writer): """ Connection handler for new client requests. Args: reader (stream): input received from the client writer (stream): output to be sent to the client Returns: nothing """ client_ip = writer.get_extra_info('peername')[0] if self.debug: print(f'Connection from client: {client_ip}') try: req_buffer = await req = await Thimble.parse_http_request(req_buffer) if self.debug: print(f'Request: {req}') except Exception as ex: await self.send_error(400, writer) print(f'Unable to parse request: {ex}') else: route_value = self.resolve_route(req['method'] + req['path']) if isinstance(route_value, tuple): # a function and URL wildcard value were returned await self.send_function_results(route_value[0], req, route_value[1], writer) elif route_value is not None: # just a function was returned await self.send_function_results(route_value, req, None, writer) else: # nothing returned, try delivering static content instead file_path = self.static_folder + req['path'] if file_path.endswith('/'): # '/path/to/' becomes '/path/to/index.html' file_path = file_path + self.directory_index await self.send_file_contents(file_path, req, writer) await writer.drain() writer.close() await writer.wait_closed() reader.close() await reader.wait_closed() if self.debug: print(f'Connection closed for {client_ip}')
def resolve_route(self, route_pattern)
Given a route pattern (METHOD + url_path), look up the corresponding function.
- An uppercase HTTP method concatenated with a URL path wich may contain regex (ex: GET/gpio/([0-9+])$)
- reference to function (for non-regex URLs) or tuple with function and regex capture (for regex URLs)
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def resolve_route(self, route_pattern): """ Given a route pattern (METHOD + url_path), look up the corresponding function. Args: route_pattern (string): An uppercase HTTP method concatenated with a URL path wich may contain regex (ex: GET/gpio/([0-9+])$) Returns: object: reference to function (for non-regex URLs) or tuple with function and regex capture (for regex URLs) """ result = None if route_pattern in self.routes: # pattern is a fixed string, like: 'GET/gpio/2' result = self.routes[route_pattern] else: # pattern may contain regex, like 'GET/gpio/([0-9]+)' for key in self.routes.keys(): regex_match = match(key, route_pattern) if regex_match: func = self.routes[key] wildcard_value = if self.debug: print(f'Wildcard match: {wildcard_value}') result = func, wildcard_value return result
def route(self, url_path, methods=['GET'])
Given a URL path and list of zero or more HTTP methods, add the decorated function to the route table.
- path portion of a URL (ex. '/path/to/thing') that will trigger a call to the function
- a list of any HTTP methods (eg. ['GET', 'PUT']) that are used to trigger the call
- wrapper function
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def route(self, url_path, methods=['GET']): """ Given a URL path and list of zero or more HTTP methods, add the decorated function to the route table. Args: url_path (string): path portion of a URL (ex. '/path/to/thing') that will trigger a call to the function methods (list): a list of any HTTP methods (eg. ['GET', 'PUT']) that are used to trigger the call Returns: object: wrapper function """ regex_macros = { '<digit>': '([0-9])', '<float>': '([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)', '<int>': '([0-9]+)', '<string>': '(.*)' } regex_match = search('(<.*>)', url_path) if regex_match: url_path = url_path.replace( 1), regex_macros[]) def add_route(func): for method in methods: # Methods are uppercase (see RFC 9110) self.routes[method.upper() + url_path] = func return add_route
def run(self, host='', port=80, loop=None, debug=False)
Start an asynchronous listener for HTTP requests.
- the IP address of the interface on which to listen
- the TCP port on which to listen
- the asyncio loop that the server should insert itself into
- a flag to indicate verbose logging is desired
- the same loop object given as a parameter or a new one if no existing loop was passed
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def run(self, host='', port=80, loop=None, debug=False): """ Start an asynchronous listener for HTTP requests. Args: host (string): the IP address of the interface on which to listen port (int): the TCP port on which to listen loop (object): the asyncio loop that the server should insert itself into debug (boolean): a flag to indicate verbose logging is desired Returns: object: the same loop object given as a parameter or a new one if no existing loop was passed """ self.debug = debug print(f'Listening on {host}:{port}') if loop is None: loop = get_event_loop() server = start_server(self.on_connect, host, port, 5) loop.create_task(server) loop.run_forever() else: server = start_server(self.on_connect, host, port, 5) loop.create_task(server) return loop
async def send_error(self, error_number, writer)
Given a stream and an HTTP error number, send a friendly text error message.
- HTTP status code
- the asyncio Stream object to which the file should be sent
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async def send_error(self, error_number, writer): """ Given a stream and an HTTP error number, send a friendly text error message. Args: error_number (integer): HTTP status code writer (object): the asyncio Stream object to which the file should be sent Returns: nothing """ writer.write(await Thimble.http_status_line(error_number)) error_text = f'{self.error_text[error_number]}\r\n' writer.write(await Thimble.http_headers(content_type='text/plain', content_length=len(error_text))) writer.write(error_text) await writer.drain()
async def send_file_contents(self, file_path, req, writer)
Given a file path and an output stream, send HTTP status, headers, and file contents as body. If client accepts gzip encoding, and a file of the same name with a .gzip extension appended exists, the gzipped version will be sent. This is not so much for speeding up transfer as it for conserving limited flash filesystem space.
- fully-qualified path to file
- the asyncio Stream object to which the file should be sent
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async def send_file_contents(self, file_path, req, writer): """ Given a file path and an output stream, send HTTP status, headers, and file contents as body. If client accepts gzip encoding, and a file of the same name with a .gzip extension appended exists, the gzipped version will be sent. This is not so much for speeding up transfer as it for conserving limited flash filesystem space. Args: file_path (string): fully-qualified path to file writer (object): the asyncio Stream object to which the file should be sent Returns: nothing """ # file_size is also used as an indicator of the file's existence file_gzip_size = await Thimble.file_size(file_path + '.gzip') file_size = await Thimble.file_size(file_path) file_type = await self.file_type(file_path) if file_gzip_size is not None and 'accept-encoding' in req['headers'] and 'gzip' in req['headers']['accept-encoding'].lower(): writer.write(await Thimble.http_status_line(200)) writer.write(await Thimble.http_headers(content_length=file_gzip_size, content_type=file_type, content_encoding='gzip')) with open(file_path + '.gzip', 'rb') as file: for chunk in Thimble.read_file_chunk(file): writer.write(chunk) await writer.drain() # drain immediately after write to avoid memory allocation errors elif file_size is not None: # a non-compressed file was found writer.write(await Thimble.http_status_line(200)) writer.write(await Thimble.http_headers(content_length=file_size, content_type=file_type)) with open(file_path, 'rb') as file: for chunk in Thimble.read_file_chunk(file): writer.write(chunk) await writer.drain() else: # no file was found await self.send_error(404, writer) print(f'Error reading file: {file_path}')
async def send_function_results(self, func, req, url_wildcard, writer)
Execute the given function with the HTTP reqest parameters as an argument and send the results as an HTTP reply
- reference to the function to be executed or a tuple of function and URL wildcard
- HTTP request parameters
:various types
- regex-matched portion of the url_path (or None for non-regex routes)
- the asyncio Stream object to which the results should be sent
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async def send_function_results(self, func, req, url_wildcard, writer): """ Execute the given function with the HTTP reqest parameters as an argument and send the results as an HTTP reply Args: func (object): reference to the function to be executed or a tuple of function and URL wildcard req (dictionary): HTTP request parameters url_wildcard (various types): regex-matched portion of the url_path (or None for non-regex routes) writer (object): the asyncio Stream object to which the results should be sent Returns: nothing """ try: if Thimble.is_async(func) is True: # await the async function if url_wildcard is not None: func_result = await func(req, url_wildcard) else: func_result = await func(req) else: # no awaiting required for non-async if url_wildcard is not None: func_result = func(req, url_wildcard) else: func_result = func(req) except Exception as ex: await self.send_error(500, writer) print(f'Function call failed: {ex}') else: if isinstance(func_result, tuple) and len(func_result) == 3: body, status_code, content_type = func_result elif isinstance(func_result, tuple) and len(func_result) == 2: body, status_code = func_result content_type = 'text/plain' else: body = func_result status_code = 200 content_type = 'text/plain' if not isinstance(body, str): body = str(body) writer.write(await Thimble.http_status_line(status_code)) writer.write(await Thimble.http_headers(content_length=len(body), content_type=content_type)) await writer.drain() writer.write(body) await writer.drain()